Train2Green - SUAVE
Project title: Train2Green - SUAVE
Duration: 6 months
Funding: 5450 euro

SUAVE EuroCluster is a 30-months novel pioneering European project focused on boosting urban agriculture (UA) towards sustainable and resilient urban food systems.
The project is targeting European small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with the aim to support them in European and international development for the green and digital future of urban food supply. Thanks to different actions SUAVE will benefit SMEs to reinforce their autonomy both at technological and industrial levels with different types of support services valued at 1,050 M EUR. Coordinated by VEGEPOLYS VALLEY (France) and powered by five experienced agri-food and digital clusters from Spain (FEMAC), Hungary (INNOSKART), Poland (UNIMOS) and Lithuania (AgriFood Lithuania DIH), the project will support European companies and clusters in holistic development in the field of urban agriculture.

The project allows employees to get trained and exchange knowledge with teams in Bulgaria, namely the European Development Association and Association Follow Me, who are supporitng green urban initiatives in Bulgarian Cities. The project includes a 5 day training on concept creation for social urban agriculture initiatives and youth green urban education activities - how to build them, to organize and fascilitate them, to attract partners and most of all how ot make them sustanable. CreateHub will join a training that is organized by the two organizations in Bulgaria in the days of 19-23 August, and will be gathering also partners from Austria, Greece, North Macedonia and Romania. The project will send 4 employees of CreateHub to receive training onsite.



Aleja Powstania Warszawskiego 15

31-539 Cracow